Event details
- Friday | February 27, 2015
- 6:00 pm
- St. Ignatius Cafeteria
- 251-445-6719
Friday, February 27
5:30 p.m.- Stations of the Cross
6:00-8:00 p.m.- Fish Fry Mexican Night (Fish Tacos or Fried Fish)
Family Meal $25- 2 adults and up to 3 kids
Adult Plate $ 10
Loyola Club Members $8
Kid’s Dinner $5
Kid’s Pizza Meal $5
March 6- Fish Fry
March 13- Fish Fry & Corn Hole Tournament
March 20- Italian Night (Meatless Pasta Dishes)
The Knights of Columbus sponsor these dinners to raise money to support the St. Ignatius Seminarians and other St. Ignatius Ministries.
Volunteers are needed. Contact Lindsay Hutchisson at 445-6719 or hutchissonl@stignatius.org.