We invite you to become a member of the Ignatius Legacy Society, a society established in honor of our parish. Members of the Ignatius Legacy Society are those people who have made a Planned Gift(deferred gift) to St. Ignatius Parish or School.
The Ignatius Legacy Society recognizes the generosity of individuals and their families who have demonstrated a commitment to their Catholic faith and Catholic education by including St. Ignatius Parish or school in their wills or other forms of planned giving.
Many families have provided planned gifts that have provided the financial stability for the future of our parish and school.
Everyone’s financial situation is unique. Therefore, we encourage you to contact your financial advisor or attorney for information regarding the most favorable option for you before entering into any charitable or planned gift agreement. If you have named St. Ignatius Parish or school as a beneficiary of a planned gift, please notify us so we can understand your goals in advance to ensure your funds are used at St. Ignatius in accordance with your wishes.
To learn more about becoming an Ignatius Legacy Society member, please contact:
Lindsay Hutchisson, Director of Advancement, at [email protected] or 251-445-6719.
Planned Giving Instruction Guide