Using this online system you'll be able to specify exactly what times do and do not work well for you to serve. You'll also be able to check your schedule from anywhere and easily find a substitute when you can't make one of your scheduled dates. For information and help on how to use this system, please refer to this printable guide.
Ministry Scheduler Pro is the program used to create our Liturgical Ministry Schedule. The program allows us to take into consideration every liturgical minister's preference when scheduling, as well as maintain an accurate database of all our ministers.
When you have completed the training for your respective ministry, we will enter your information into Ministry Scheduler Pro, and send you your username and password for accessing your profile online.
Your online profile allows you to regularly update your contact information, preferences, and availability. By accessing your online profile, you can also view the current Liturgical Minister Schedule and request replacements for masses in which you are scheduled to serve.
Contact Melinda Seiter in the Rectory Office via phone, 251-445-0593, or email, [email protected], to obtain your username and password.