Wheel A Meal is a volunteer service that provides meals, Monday through Friday, to anyone unable to prepare meals for themselves.

Our clients receive a full meal, and a sandwich for the evening meal. There is a reasonable fee and help is available for anyone in financial need. Many of our clients are homebound for one reason or another and are long-term recipients but we do deliver to clients on a short term basis, recovering from an illness or surgery who cannot prepare the meals themselves but would like to maintain their independence.

Wheel A Meal is supported by these four Spring Hill area faith communities:

  • St. Ignatius Parish
  • St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
  • Spring Hill Baptist Church
  • Spring Hill Presbyterian Church

* At this time, our meals are prepared by Dauphin Way United Methodist Church


For information call the rectory office, (251) 342-9221, and you will be directed to someone with Wheel A Meal.