Saint of the Month: Blessed Dina Bélanger

Blessed Dina Bélanger was a French-Canadian religious sister and mystic, known as “The Little Flower of Canada”. Dina was born in 1897 to devout Catholic parents Olivier and Séraphia Bélanger. The family lived in the city of Québec in the Province of Québec, Canada. The Bélangers were not only devout,...

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Wisdom of the Saints about Love For God (part 4)

“Give me Yourself, O my God. Surrender Yourself to me, for I love You. And if that is not enough, let me love You more ardently.” St. Augustine of Hippo (4th-5th centuries, Doctor of the Church) “Don’t you go drawing back from your God; love your God. You’re always saying...

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Saint of the Month: St. Junipero Serra

St. Junípero Serra was a Franciscan priest, professor, and an intrepid missionary known as “The Apostle of California”. He was born to farmers Antonio and Margarita Serra, who named him Miguel in 1713. The family farm was on the island of Majorca off the coast of Spain. As a child,...

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Saint of the Month: St. Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad

St. Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad was a convert, religious sister and a foundress. Mary Elizabeth was born in 1870 in the village of Faglavik, Sweden. She was the fifth of thirteen children born to Augusto Hesselblad and his wife Cajsa and she went by the name Elizabeth. She was baptized into...

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