“Pray without ceasing on behalf of other men…for cannot he that falls rise again.” St. Ignatius of Antioch (1st -2nd centuries)
“In charity, follow the deceased with sorrow and with offerings, and pray that he may have rest in the hidden place where he is going.” St. Ephraim the Syrian (4th century, Doctor of the Church)
“Give me praying mothers and I will rescue the world.” St. Augustine of Hippo (4th-5th centuries, Doctor of the Church)
“Weep for unbelievers; weep for those who differ in nowise from them, those who depart hence without the illumination, without the seal!…Mourn for those who have died in wealth and did not from their wealth think of any solace for their soul, who had power to wash away their sins and would not…Let us weep for these; let us assist them according to our power; let us think of some assistance for them, small though it be, yet still let us assist them. How and in what way? By praying and entreating others to make prayers for them…Not in vain did the Apostles order that remembrance should be made of the dead in the dreadful Mysteries [the Sacrifice of the Mass]. They know that great gain results to them, great benefit; for when the whole people stands with uplifted hands, a priestly assembly, and that awful Sacrifice lies displayed, how shall we not prevail with God by our entreaties for them. And this we do for those who have departed in faith.” St. John Chrysostom (4th-5th centuries, Doctor of the Church)
“In heaven we shall meet no indifferent glances, because all the elect will realize that they owe one another the graces that brought them the crown of life.” St. Therese of Lisieux (19th century, Doctor of the Church)
“How often have I thought that I may owe all the graces I’ve received to the prayers of a person who begged them from God for me, and whom I shall know only in heaven.” St. Therese of Lisieux
“Let us seek [souls], understand them, and love them, from the soul of the maidservant in our house, and those that are shrouded sometimes under a ridiculous or gloomy exterior, to those distant and unknown souls that can nevertheless be affected by our prayers and sufferings, although it is only in eternity that they will learn how our passing sorrows or our humble sacrifices have won for them life everlasting.” Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur (19th-20th centuries)
“Pray for the wicked, pray for the lukewarm, pray even for fervent souls, but pray especially for the Supreme Pontiff, for all the spiritual and temporal needs of the Holy Church, our most tender mother. A special prayer for all those who are working for the salvation of souls and for God’s glory.” St. Pio of Pietrelcina (19th-20th centuries)
“God will not do what we can very well do for ourselves; He will not make a harvest grow without our planting the seed. But there must be the preparation for God’s help through the asking, the seeking, and the knocking. Millions of favors are hanging from Heaven on silken cords-prayer is the sword that will cut them.” Bl. Fulton Sheen (19th-20th centuries)
“In the bottomless depths of mercy, pardon, and love of the heart of Jesus, I drown sin, hatred, and godlessness. Into His redeeming, sanctifying, and divine blood I plunge guilty, ungrateful and blind souls. I hide fearful, timid, and untrusting souls in His sacred wounds. I submerge cold, obdurate, and rebellious hearts in the limitless ocean of His tenderness. I thrust the entire world into His heart that is burning with love for all.” Ven. Marthe Robin (20th century)
“I ask you to pray for those who cannot pray and do not know how to, and for all those who have lost faith in God and His mercy. Let the light and the presence of Christ Who heals shine in your lives so that all who come in contact with you may discover the sweetness of God Who loves us.” Pope St. John Paul II (20th-21st centuries)