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“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
Dear Friends:
The desire of every pastor is that his parish be beautiful for God. At St. Ignatius, the members of our community of faith are blessed with gifts of every kind, yet each of us wants to offer our lives for the praise and glory of God. “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit,” St. Paul tells the Church in Corinth. “There are different forms of service but the same Lord.”
Never has this type of unity at St. Ignatius Parish been more evident than three years ago when St. Ignatius Parish boldly embarked on a $20 million capital campaign to build something beautiful for God. The focus of our first campaign was the construction of a beautiful new church where hearts and minds would be lifted in praise to God. Your generosity was overwhelming. In less than twelve months, we raised more than $16.2 million of the $20 million we estimated that we will need to build an entire parish that is beautiful for God.
Now, with our beautiful house of worship in its rightful place at the very heart of our campus, it is time to work together to complete our vision for St. Ignatius Parish. With tremendous excitement for the future of our parish, I am announcing the second phase of our Building Something Beautiful for God capital campaign.
The monies raised in this capital campaign will fund the construction of a much-needed Early Learning Center, the renovation of our former church into our Parish Hall, the renovation and upgrade of the Middle School to accommodate grades six, seven, and eight, and a redesign of the Marian Center to serve as a church home for LifeTeen. At the same time, Archbishop Rodi invites St. Ignatius Parish to play a pivotal role in Generations of Faith, a campaign which will provide funding for seminarian education, priest retirement, and youth ministry. None of these projects stands alone. But, taken together, they complete our vision of an entire parish where all we do and all we are is for the praise and glory of God.
Our vision that St. Ignatius be a parish that is beautiful for God is a bold one. I am asking each of you to pray with me that Building Something Beautiful for God Capital Campaign II will be a success. I am asking each of you, once again, to sacrificially consider a gift that will make our vision for St. Ignatius Parish a reality. I am asking that we join together with our many gifts to serve the same Lord. Together we will build a parish that is beautiful for God.
May God bless you and your families, and may He continue to work with each of us as we answer the call to serve Him.
Fr. Bry Shields